Wokandapix / Pixabay
I have a number of regular weekly features (see HERE IS A LIST (WITH LINKS) OF ALL MY REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURES).
This is a relatively new addition to that list.
Some of these resources will be added to The Best Advice On Teaching K-12 Online (If We Have To Because Of The Coronavirus) – Please Make More Suggestions! and the best will go to The “Best Of The Best” Resources To Support Teachers Dealing With School Closures.
Here are this week’s choices:
Teaching Online Masterclass is a series of videos from iCivics, Adobe and others to support teachers in designing effective online learning experiences. To tell you the truth, I just learned about it and haven’t had a chance to see how useful – or useless – their resources are, but it seems to me worth checking out.
Teachers, Live Screen Time Is Precious. Use It Well is from Ed Week. I’m adding it to The Best Summaries Of Research About Online Instruction.
Promising Practices Brief: Improving Student Engagement and Attendance During COVID-19 School Closures is from The American Institute For Research. I’m adding it to the same list.
Improving the Quality of Distance and Blended Learning is from Stanford. It goes on the same list.
What Grading and Assessment Practices Could Schools Use in the Year Ahead? is from PACE. It, too, goes on that list.
IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF DISTANCEAND BLENDED LEARNING is from Ed Research for Recovery. Yup, for that same list.
Screen-based online learning will change kids’ brains. Are we ready for that? is by Maryanne Wolf. I’m adding it to The Best Resources On Which Is Best – Reading Digitally Or Reading Paper?
Yesterday, I offered suggestions as to how to make synchronous #distancelearning video calls better. Today, I made a template for Ts to use for that purpose. Please steal! https://t.co/9jeg5ke0IK pic.twitter.com/mrIhhqQTyR
— Stephanie DeMichele (@sdemichele) August 29, 2020
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