Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues (You might also be interested in The Best Articles, Posts & Videos On Education Policy In 2014 – Part Two):
No, Finland isn’t ditching traditional school subjects. Here’s what’s really happening. is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Resources To Learn About Finland’s Education System.
Charter Schools and the Most Disadvantaged is from Jack Schneider at Ed Week. I’m adding it to The Best Posts & Articles Analyzing Charter Schools.
Grading Teachers by the Test appeared in The New York Times. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About Effective Student & Teacher Assessments.
Showing Student Growth Without The Test is from The Educator’s Room. I’m adding it The Best Articles Describing Alternatives To High-Stakes Testing — Help Me Find More.
Hillary Clinton Caught Between Dueling Forces on Education: Teachers and Wealthy Donors appeared in The New York Times.
Is Improving Schools All About Money? is from The New York Times. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Learning That Money Does Matter For Schools.
How one California superintendent changed troubled schools is from The Hechinger Report. I had the pleasure of working with Christopher Steinhauser, the person profiled in the article, on a state committee.
Techno Fantasies is a thoughtful critique of a new book on technology and higher education. It appeared in Inside Higher Ed, and was written by Audrey Watters and Sara Goldrick-Rab.
‘School Choice’ and Disenfranchising the Public is by Peter Greene appeared in the Huffington Post and a related piece by a School Superintendent, titled Vouchers still vouchers by any other name, appeared in a San Antonio newspaper — both are very good. I’m adding them to The Best Resources For Learning Why School Vouchers Are A Bad Idea (& Other Commentaries On “Choice”).
How do schools respond to competition? Not as you might expect. is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to the same list.
What Makes a Good Teacher? is from The New York Times Learning Network, and contains answers to that question from fifty students.
Merit pay doesn’t cause teachers to teach to the test, study finds is from The Washington Post, and includes a number of thoughtful critical quotes. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning Why Teacher Merit Pay Is A Bad Idea.
School Reform Fails the Test: Part 2 is by Mike Rose.
Teacher shortage around state leading to ‘employees’ market’ is from The L.A. School Report.
America spends more than $600 billion on schools. Here’s where it goes and why it matters. is from Vox. It gives a pretty thorough analysis — not one that I’ve seen anywhere else. So, even though it doesn’t quite fit, I’m adding it to The Best Articles Providing An “Overall” Perspective On Education Policy.
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