Each year, I publish year-end statistics of how visitors find my blog (you can find last year’s post here).
About 17,000 readers subscribe to this blog daily and can read the content without visiting directly. However, another five-to-six-thousand readers do visit to read the posts each day. How do they get here?
Well, for 2017, the answer was:
The number one referrer wasn’t a big surprise – Flipboard. However, the increase of referrals was, indeed, a surprise. Even though people can subscribe to the blog from there, I’m very surprised that 38% of readers find their way here from there. It’s a huge jump from last year (when it was 21%).
Twitter came in second at 18%, just a one percent drop from the previous year.
Facebook was third at 14%, a three percent drop from 2016.
Pinterest was fourth at 6%, a drop of three percent.
Edutopia (which often publishes excerpts from my books), and Education Week (where I write a teacher advice column) are tied at about 2% each.
It’s sort of a “grab-bag” after that…
As usual, I’m not really sure what this all means and would love reader feedback and analysis!
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