I have a huge A Collection Of Useful Posts, Articles & Videos On Race & Racism – Help Me Find More list, which also includes many “sub” Best lists.  It’s also pretty unwieldy for readers/users.

Many of the resources on that list are there using Storify, a tool that will be going off-line soon.  So, I’m using that change as an opportunity to cull and re-organized those links over the next few months into a series of “New & Revised” Best lists.

This is the first one:

Here’s my Education Week Teacher column on the importance of recruiting and retaining teachers of color.

Check out this second series at my Education Week Teacher column: ‘It is Long Past Time to Meet the Needs of Students of Color’

As Nation’s Students Become More Diverse, Teaching Corps Hasn’t Kept Pace is from Ed Week.

Quote Of The Day: “Why Are Teachers Of Color Missing In Teacher Of The Year Selection?”

Why students need more Black and Latino teachers is by José Luis Vilson.

Student: My school district hires too many white teachers is from The Washington Post.

Pulitzer-prize winning author Junot Díaz on the power of culture.

NEA Report: Lack of Teacher Diversity Jeopardizes Student Achievement is from NEA Today.

On the Importance of Mirrors for Students (and Teachers) appeared in The Huffington Post.

How Boston Public Schools Can Recruit and Retain Black Male Teachers is from The Shanker Blog.

America’s Unspoken Education Issue: Black Kids Need Black Teachers is by Melinda Anderson.

How college ed programs try, fail to recruit teachers of color is from The Hechinger Report.

Why teachers must reflect student diversity is from The Seattle Globalist.

Regarding teachers of color: Boston Public Schools system is set to lead once again is from The Hechinger Report.

We Need Teachers of Color is from Education Week.

Montgomery County launches teacher diversity initiative in schools is from The Washington Post.

Where have all the black and brown teachers gone? is from The Hechinger Report.

Our Teacher Diversity Problem Is Not Just About Recruitment. It’s About Retention. is from Slate.

The Woodrow Wilson Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowships for Aspiring Teachers of Color

America’s Leaky Pipeline for Teachers of Color is from The Center For American Progress.

Quote Of The Day: The Need For More Teachers Of Color

America’s Kids Are Getting More Diverse, but Its Teachers Aren’t is from Take Part.

The Benefits of Minority Teachers in the Classroom is from Real Clear Education (thanks to Andre Perry for the tip).

Differentiating PD for Male Teachers of Color is by Travis Bristol.

The Classroom Racial Gap Hits an All-Time High is from Governing (thanks to Alexander Russo for the tip).

Recruiting More Minority Teachers Could Do Wonders For Minority Students, Study Says is from The Huffington Post.

Why Our Classrooms Benefit From Minority Teachers is from Ed Week.

Second Statistic Of The Day: “Where Are The Teachers Of Color?”

Why we should diversify the overwhelmingly white U.S. teaching force — and how appeared in The Washington Post.

Black male teachers: There aren’t enough of them is by Travis Bristol.

Tough Tests for Teachers, With Question of Bias is from The New York Times.

What Happened After New Orleans Fired All of Its Teachers—and Why It Still Matters to Diversity in the Classroom is from Slate.

Do American Indian Students Perform Better When They Have American Indian Teachers? is from Slate.

Increasing The Diversity Of America’s Teachers is the last in a series “guest-hosted” by Travis Bristol and Terrenda White at my Ed Week column.

Report: Minority Teachers Are Quitting at Rapid Rates is from NBC News.

The number of black teachers has dropped in nine U.S. cities is from The Washington Post.

More Minority Students, Fewer Teachers of Color is from The Atlantic.

Male teachers of color take a lesson from each other is by Travis Bristol.

The Role of Teacher Diversity in Reducing Implicit Bias is from The Shanker Blog.

Keeping Black Men In Front Of The Class is an NPR interview with Travis Bristol.

Black Male Teachers a Dwindling Demographic is from Education Week.

What It’s Like To Teach While Black appeared in The Huffington Post. (thanks to Alexander Russo for the tip)

There’s One Cause in Education That Everyone Supports: America’s Teachers Need to Be More Diverse is from Slate.

Where are the male African-American teachers?

Why Is Education Leadership So White? is from Education Week.

Why so many people are worried about teacher diversity, in two charts is from The Washington Post.

The invisible tax on teachers of color is from The Washington Post.

‘Added Value’ Why Increasing the Number of Latino and Black Public School Teachers Matters is from The Latin Post.

The troubling shortage of Latino and black teachers — and what to do about it is from The Washington Post.

Slate’s “Tomorrow’s Test” Series Is An Impressive Project On Race & Schools

What did my father mean to his black male students? Everything. is from The Washington Post.

Where Are All the Principals of Color? is also from The Atlantic.

America Needs More Black Men Leading Its Classrooms is from Slate.

How to Get More Men of Color Teaching in the Classroom is from The Atlantic.

Increasing Teacher Diversity Could Be a Game-Changer for Students’ Academic Attitudes is from Real Clear Education.

A Teacher Satisfaction Gap? New Study Shows Teachers of Color Less Happy in Their Schools is from The 74.

The Crucial Need to Expand the Non-White Teacher Pipeline is by Marian Wright Edelman.

As Nation’s Students Become More Diverse, Teaching Corps Hasn’t Kept Pace is from Ed Week.

REPORT: The State of Racial Diversity in the Educator Workforce is from The U.S. Department of Education.

Where Are All the Teachers of Color? is from Harvard Education.

Why Black Men Quit Teaching is by Christopher Emdin.

Black Teachers Matter is from Mother Jones.

The many ways teacher diversity may benefit students is from Brookings.

Report: Teacher Diversity Gap Will Not Close Without Significant Interventions is from Ed Week.

The nation’s teacher force lacks diversity, and it might not get much better is from The Washington Post.

The Burden On Black Teachers: ‘I Don’t Belong At Your Table’ is from NPR.

Another Study Highlights Importance Of Teacher Diversity

The Benefits Of Having A Black Teacher is from City Lab.

Efforts to ‘raise the bar’ for becoming a teacher are running headlong into efforts to diversify the profession. Now what? is by Matt Barnum.

Why are there so few black male teachers? is from American Public Media.

Minority Teacher Recruitment, Employment, and Retention: 1987 to 2013 is from The Learning Policy Institute.

4 ways to measure diversity among public school teachers is from Brookings.

The Key to Keeping Minority Teachers When the Rest of the Staff Is White is from Ed Week.

Can states lean on diverse teacher recruitment to stem teacher shortages? is from Brookings.

A Root Cause of the Teacher-Diversity Problem is by Melinda Anderson.

New study highlights the struggles and strengths of Latino teachers is from Ray Salazar.

States to Prioritize Hiring Teachers of Color is from U.S. News.

Teaching-in-color: It is all about equity is by James E. Ford.

With Just One Black Teacher, Black Students More Likely to Graduate is from John Hopkins.


Diversifying the Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color is from The Learning Policy Institute.

Confronting Inequity / The Black Male Teacher Gap is by H. Richard Milner.

The Experiences of Teachers of Color is from Harvard.

Making a Diverse Teacher Workforce a Reality is from The Education Writers Association.

Which Colleges Are Helping Create a Diverse Teacher Workforce? is from The Urban Institute.

How and Why Teachers of Color Matter is from Ed Week.

The State of America’s Student-Teacher Racial Gap: Our Public School System Has Been Majority-Minority for Years, but 80 Percent of Teachers Are Still White is from The 74.

The New York Times has run an article headlined Does Teacher Diversity Matter for Students’ Learning? It’s a good overview of research, along with offering some practical suggestions for how those of us who are white educators can deal with our implicit biases.

Me and My White Teachers is from The NY Times.

America’s public school teachers are far less racially and ethnically diverse than their students is from the Pew Research Center.

Same Race Teachers: MPS Students & Teachers Weigh In is from Public Radio in Wisconsin.



Closing the Diversity Gap is from Teaching Tolerance.

Is the number of teachers of color skyrocketing or stagnating? Here’s what the numbers really say is from Chalkbeat.

Want more diverse teachers in more places? Start with diverse principals is from Brookings.

For Black Students, Having a Black Teacher Can Be a Benefit, Study Finds is from Ed Week.

Patching the Leaky Pipeline to Teacher Diversity is from The Education Writers Association.


To Get To College, It Helps Black Students To Have A Black Teacher Early On is from NPR.

Only two percent of teachers are black men, yet research confirms they matter is from The Undefeated.

The diversity gap for public school teachers is actually growing across generations is from Brookings.

We need more teachers of color, so why do we use tests that keep them out of the classroom? is from The Conversation.

Why we need a diverse teacher workforce is from Phi Delta Kappan.

Groups Tell Washington to Make Teacher Diversity a Priority. But How, Exactly? is from Ed Week.

Why are most teachers white women, and how can we attract and support a diverse faculty? is an interview with Travis Bristol.


To Recruit More Teachers of Color, This District Posted a Unique Job Ad is from Ed Week.

Black male educators sound alarm regarding lack of diversity in P-12 classrooms is from Eureka Alert.

Why America Needs More Black Male Teachers is from EdSurge.

If You Listen, We Will Stay: Why Teachers of Color Leave and How to Disrupt Teacher Turnover is a report from The Education Trust.

Push to increase the number of teachers of color in California classrooms gains momentum is from Ed Source.

The Latino Teacher-Student Divide: 5 Steps to Close the Gap is from Ed Week.

Paving the Way for Latinx Teachers is from New America.

America’s schools are more diverse than ever. But the teachers are still mostly white. is from The Washington Post.

‘I Feel That I’m Needed’: An Effort to Keep Male Teachers of Color in the Classroom is from KQED.

Educators Using 2019 Diversity Report to Show Districts How They Can Better Support Teachers of Color is from The 74.

Two VERY Disturbing Statistics About The Teaching Profession

Improving Teacher Workforce Diversity is from EdNote.

The educational value of a black teacher is by Andre Perry.

Recruiting and Retaining Teachers of Color: Why It Matters, Ways to Do It is from Ed Week.

Want to Support Black Students? Invest in Black Teachers is from TIME.

Why Black teachers matter to Black and White kids appeared in the Washington Post.


Policy Dialogue: Black Teachers of the Past, Present, and Future is a dialogue between Gloria Ladson-Billings and James D. Anderson.

Why Black Teachers Walk Away is from Edutopia.

4 ways to get more Black and Latino teachers in K-12 public schools is by Travis Bristol.

Microaggressions, stereotyping among reasons why Black math teachers consider leaving the classroom is from Brookings.

4 Changes Schools Can Make to Recruit Teachers of Color and Keep Them Around is from Ed Week.

Schools need teachers of color. This is how to retain them, educators say. is from NBC News.

Teachers of Color, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Student Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from the Random Assignment of Teachers to Classes is an important new study.

Retaining and sustaining Black teachers is from MindShift.

Public Schools Are Struggling to Retain Black Teachers. These Ex-Teachers Explain Why appeared in TIME.

How California districts seek to recruit, retain Black teachers amid shortage is from Ed Source.

Teachers of Color Are Linked to Social-Emotional, Academic Gains for All Students is from Ed Week.

To increase and maintain teacher diversity, listen to teachers of color is from The Hechinger Report.

Diversifying the teacher workforce: Research and strategies is a good infographic from the Institute of Education Sciences.

It matters now more than ever: What new developments say about Teacher Diversity and Student Success is from Brookings.

Teacher contract meant to shield educators of color from seniority-based layoffs sets firestorm is from The Associated Press.

New Policy Brief Reveals Need To Specifically Retain Teachers Of Color is from The Education Trust.

How Diverse Is the Teaching Force? is from ASCD.

A new Minneapolis teachers’ contract is the center of a debate over diversity is from NPR.

Teaching While Black is from Slate.

What Teachers of Color Say Will Actually Work to Diversify the Profession is from Ed Week.

A New Teacher at 50: Inside the Struggle to Rebuild America’s Black Teaching Workforce—Introduction is from Education Week.

How to diversify America’s teaching corps appeared in The Washington Post.

Educators of Color Make the Case for Teacher Diversity is from The Education Trust.

Why Do So Few Black Men Become Teachers? is from Ed Surge.

How the Invisible Tax of Being an Educator of Color Pushed Me Out of the Classroom is from Ed Surge.


Disrespect, low pay, lack of support keep Black teachers out of the profession is from Ed Source.

What I Need From My White Peers to Thrive as a Teacher of Color is from Ed Surge.

Why Black Teachers Matter is a new research paper (final version).

Teacher Diversity Dashboard is from The National Council on Teacher Quality.