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Let Me Know If You’re Teaching K-12 Students Online Because Of COVID-19 & Would Like To Write A Guest Post About Your Experiences

Most of us have at one time or another probably had our substitutes have students complete worksheets while we were out, which we may or may not have every looked at once we’ve gotten back.

I’ve been thinking about that lately after I saw the results of a question I put on social media: IF SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED & NOT DOING REMOTE LEARNING, HERE IS WHAT SCHOOLS ARE TELLING TEACHERS TO DO – WHAT ABOUT YOUR SITUATION?

It seems like a fair number of districts don’t have any kind of learning plan in place for their students right now.

Some districts, however, even if they don’t have a full-fledged remote learning program going on, are creating “learning packets” for students to complete.

Two districts that I know of have put them online, and they’re done by grade-level.

It’s not great, obviously, but it seems like it’s better than nothing and can help out parents.

You can download them here:

Baltimore City Schools Learning Packets

Compton Unified School District Learning Packets

Addendum: Here are some new ones:

Hartford At-Home Learning Packets

Detroit Public Schools At-Home Activity Packs

New York City Department of Education Activity Packets For All

Elementary School Continuity of Learning Resources from Fairfax County Public Schools

Prince Georges County Public Schools Packets

Do you of others?

I’m adding this info to:

The Best Advice On Teaching K-12 Online (If We Have To Because Of The Coronavirus) – Please Make More Suggestions!

The “Best Of The Best” Resources To Support Teachers Dealing With School Closures