Ten years ago, in another somewhat futile attempt to reduce the backlog of resources I want to share, I began this occasional “Ed Tech Digest” post where I share three or four links I think are particularly useful and related to…ed tech, including some Web 2.0 apps.

You might also be interested in THE BEST ED TECH RESOURCES OF 2021 – PART ONE, as well as checking out all my edtech resources.

Here are this week’s choices:

Phideo lets you easily create slideshows with music, and it’s free. You can read more about it at Richard Byrne’s blog. Adobe Creative Express, previously called Adobe Spark, will still be my “go-to” tool for this kind of project. I’m still adding it to The Best Ways To Create Online Slideshows.

Easy Sub is a new online video editor.  I’m adding it to Not The “Best,” But A List… Of Online Video Editors.

EdTech Top 40 Mid-Year Report 2021-22 lists the most popular online tools used by teachers this year.

Prisoner in My Homeland is a role-playing simulation game about Japanese-American internment during World War II. It’s from Mission US, which has been justly criticized in the past for some of their role-playing games (you can read about those critiques at The Best Online Learning Simulation Games & Interactives — Help Me Find More). I have not played this particular game, but their most recent other ones have indicated they may have taken those criticisms to heart.  I’m adding this game to The Best Resources On Japanese-American Internment In World War II.

I’m adding this next video to A Beginning List Of The Best Resources On Virtual Reality In Education: