geralt / Pixabay
Who knows what’s going to happen over the next few weeks?
If you’re doing remote learning for the first time, I can imagine that things could be pretty crazy.
If you’re school is closed and you’re not doing remote learning (see IF SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED & NOT DOING REMOTE LEARNING, HERE IS WHAT SCHOOLS ARE TELLING TEACHERS TO DO – WHAT ABOUT YOUR SITUATION?), you might be required to do some online professional development or might just want to do it.
If so, here are some resources to explore:
The Best Places For ESL/EFL/ELL Teachers To Get Online Professional Development
The Best Online Videos Showing ESL/EFL Teachers In The Classroom
The Best Videos For Content Teachers With ELLs In Their Classes – Please Suggest More
You might also want to check out The “All-Time” Best Teaching & Learning Resources Available On This Blog.
Lastly, though I’m obviously biased, I don’t think you’ll find a better source of professional development for any facet of education than my Classroom Q&A column at Ed Week Teacher. It’s covered nearly 300 key questions over the years, and includes responses to them from several hundred highly-skilled educators. You can see the organized collection here.
Hi Larry – #ellchat is having a chat tonight 3/16 on online learning for ELLs. 9pm EDT.